About Me

This is who I am!

As a javascript engineer I trully believe that the future of application development is unified through a web browser. I have a passion for everything related to Web Development Technologies such as React.js,Node.js, Javascript, CSS, HTML, and many more. I have a strong educational background with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from University of Derby, and I am always eager to learn something new!

My Work Experience so far!

Qbrick AB

JavaScript Engineer - Systems Developer
09/2019 – Present: Stockholm Sweden
  • Developed and maintained the Qbrick video platform UI. The platform performs tasks such as file upload (video, images, subtitles, etc), provided embedded code implementations of our video player, rendered several react apps designated to modify the video file ( video editor, live video broadcaster, audio transcription, interactive tools, etc) and provided a connection to the company’s CDN so that the users have an easy way to access their videos. The UI uses technologies such as React, Redux, Node.js.
  • Created the Speech to text App which utilizes the speech recognition APIs from Google to create subtitles for videos and the translate API from Google to translate them to other languages. As a backend this app utilizes node.js which in turn uses ffmpeg to extract the audio from a video file and stores the transcription to a firebase database in Google cloud.
  • Developed and maintained Qbrick video player. More specifically the Shopping Module which allows for the player to handle and render clickable product elements within the video and then call the clients API to add them to their basket or wish list. The player has its own development kit which is written in vanilla JavaScript and also utilizes Node.js to create a usable initiator script that the browsers can use.
  • Developed and maintained Qbrick’s Shopping Companion, which is essentially a superset of the shopping module on the player side. It adds chat functionalities as well as a more robust and friendly mobile implementation of the shopping module. It utilizes WebSocket connections for the chat as well as for the rendering of the interactive product elements.


Web Administrator – Front-end Developer
09/2016 – 06/2019: Thessaloniki Greece
  • Responsible of the company’s website. I was in charge of managing the website’s content as well as improving functionality and stability, by improving Its Html, CSS, Bootstrap and occasionally JavaScript code.
  • Creating advertising material for the company (product catalogs, email campaigns artwork etc.) using Adobe Products such as Photoshop, Fireworks, Acrobat Pro DC and others.
  • Developed and maintained a refrigeration monitoring app that would be installed to our client’s refrigerators and log results to our database so that the company could provide better service. The app was Developed utilizing React Node.js as well as socket.io module.
  • Setup the Hardware infrastructure of the company, by building several workstation PC’s as well as a new server rack, and the required network infrastructure


Imports Department Employ -Tech Consultant
04/2015 – 08/2016: Thessaloniki Greece
  • Managing Cargo Trucks coming from Belgium, Germany and Denmark, and responsible of delivering our client’s shipments all over Greece, using our hauler partner network.
  • Setup the Hardware infrastructure of the company, by building several workstation PC’s as well as a new server rack, and the required network infrastructure